Archive by tag: digital healthReturn
Patient <> Provider <> Platform: One Security Loop

Patient <> Provider <> Platform: One Security Loop

The seismic shifts in the uptake of digital technology due to COVID-19 have increased the appetite for innovation in the ways people go about their day-to-day lives. In healthcare, it means new-found ease and convenience for patient and provider, all the while mainstreaming safety measures.   According to the Food and Drug Administration, digital health tools improve the ability to accurately...
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Echoes From LifeWIRE: 2020 in Review and 2021 Bird’s-Eye View

Echoes From LifeWIRE: 2020 in Review and 2021 Bird’s-Eye View

The Pandemic's Silver LiningBy Howard Rosen, CEOLast year at this time in our 2020 healthcare outlook, the pandemic wasn’t in the picture, even though the first human cases of COVID-19 had already been reported by officials in Wuhan City, China, in December 2019. One month later, the World Health Organization declared a disease outbreak. Then on March 11, 2020, COVID-19 was declared ...
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Fighting Fake COVID-19 Health News Through Patient Engagement

Fighting Fake COVID-19 Health News Through Patient Engagement

Imagine 93 million Americans searching for medical and health information online, where some of it is patently wrong, but having no way of knowing what to believe. Health misinformation has fast become a threat to compliance with health treatments, to adoption of response efforts in epidemics, and to trust between health providers and their patients. Not a 2020 phenomenon at all, the spread of false health information has gone unchecked for over a decade, with social media adding ...
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Telehealth Check-Up in the Continuum of Care

Telehealth Check-Up in the Continuum of Care

How have information and communication technologies, such as online, digital and mobile devices, figured in the wider spectrum of patient care?  The use of these technologies to access and support health care services, also known interchangeably as telehealth, digital health, or mhealth depending on the device, draws strength from the power of communication and information. These serve patients and clinicians differently but with a unified objective, to provide better and more eff...
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Healthcare’s 2019 New Year Resolutions

Healthcare’s 2019 New Year Resolutions

“Is it online?” is the most frequently asked question in the digital age, overtaking “Google it.”   With Siri and Alexa already well-established in the tech world, there will be an increasing demand for such personalized services. Indeed, 2019 has the potential to see an explosion of smart assistants in the delivery of healthcare.  Digitization will be full blown in 2019, with all predictions pointing to Artificial Intelligence (AI)...
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The eDOCTOR: Connected, Assisted Digitally

The eDOCTOR: Connected, Assisted Digitally

Connected Health. Technology Enabled Care (TEC). Mobile Health (mHealth). Digital Health (dHealth) Health Technology (HealthTech). Telemedicine. Telehealth.The healthcare industry’s list of digital buzzwords is long but have two things in common: They all refer to health and the power of connectivity.  Paperless billing and electronic medical records, digital health monitors, health apps, simply put, it’s all about -  engagement, ease efficiency and outcomes.And where is th...
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