Archive by tag: Dr. Ed MarianoReturn
5 Voices of Reason from Doctors Amid the Opioid Crisis

5 Voices of Reason from Doctors Amid the Opioid Crisis

Epidemic. Crisis. Outbreak. Call it what you want, but the current opioid addiction is the worst in American history. Drug overdoses claim 64,000 lives every year. That is 175 a day! Almost everyone has been affected,  family or friends. There have been arrests - 60 people across five states, including more than 31 physicians, seven pharmacists and eight nurses - and lawsuits against drug distributors, opioid manufacturers, and pharmaceutical companies.   The pharmaceutical m...
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The Anesthesiologist’s Lane

The Anesthesiologist’s Lane

Telling doctors to “mind their own business” when it came to the discussion around gun control resulted in strong words and more, as they posted photos of their bloodstained scrub suits and started the hashtag #ThisIsOurLane. A Twitter account @ThisIsOurLane was born soon after with over 11,000 followers in less than a week, mostly doctors.  From stories of their gunshot patients who survived or died, to graphic images of the results of gunshot wounds, doctors delivered the...
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Top 10 Anesthesiologists to Follow on Twitter

Top 10 Anesthesiologists to Follow on Twitter

While you may think anesthesiology wouldn’t necessarily be a popular topic of discussion on social media, the ten people on this list, and others like them, tell a different story.This is something the recent Anesthesiology Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA on October 13 to 17 highlighted.On top of the medical discussions taking place, there were also working sessions around social media that focused on: creating a personal brand, building awareness and credibility, social media strat...
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