Archive by tag: anesthesiaReturn
Communicating Care: Not An App, Not A Bot

Communicating Care: Not An App, Not A Bot

With the increase in bots overtaking more “natural apps” on our smartphones, when will enough be enough? After all, do you really want to talk to a chat bot? Today’s digital-led world has changed how people want and do things, the parameters being “me, here and now.” Healthcare is no exception. Patients today demand personalized care and communication. Patients have become proactive in managing their own health, and the tech world has responded. The &ldquo...
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The Anesthesiologist’s Lane

The Anesthesiologist’s Lane

Telling doctors to “mind their own business” when it came to the discussion around gun control resulted in strong words and more, as they posted photos of their bloodstained scrub suits and started the hashtag #ThisIsOurLane. A Twitter account @ThisIsOurLane was born soon after with over 11,000 followers in less than a week, mostly doctors.  From stories of their gunshot patients who survived or died, to graphic images of the results of gunshot wounds, doctors delivered the...
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