Archive by month: 2018-10Return
Top 10 Anesthesiologists to Follow on Twitter

Top 10 Anesthesiologists to Follow on Twitter

While you may think anesthesiology wouldn’t necessarily be a popular topic of discussion on social media, the ten people on this list, and others like them, tell a different story.This is something the recent Anesthesiology Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA on October 13 to 17 highlighted.On top of the medical discussions taking place, there were also working sessions around social media that focused on: creating a personal brand, building awareness and credibility, social media strat...
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The OR eConnections (Pre-Optimizing the Patient)

The OR eConnections (Pre-Optimizing the Patient)

When a health condition needs to be addressed and surgery is necessary, how and where does a patient begin their wellness journey? What information is shared and with whom? How does a patient get through the PeriOperative process and arrive in the operating room in the most efficient manner possible? A surgical procedure does not just ‘happen.’  It involves a process that, thankfully, is foreign to most people.  This process requires answers to specific questions, deci...
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Helping prevent a suicide. Connecting the elderly. Tracking the responders. Today, care communication and delivery mean more than just what occurs within the hospital. For the vulnerable, the elderly, or the military, there’s a wider range for what “healthcare” means – especially once patient care goes digital.Connecting the patient to the health provider has become a basic in patient engagement, and industry innovators are using this core value to redefine care today. Pr...
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